Duran Central Pharmacy (Duran’s)
Level 2: Image Builder
For more than 80 years, Duran's has been a prominent Albuquerque icon, blending a pharmacy, New Mexican diner, and specialty shop into a distinctive experience. In addition to filling prescriptions or savoring a delicious burrito, visitors can discover a fantastic assortment of artisan-made gifts. The restaurant's chile sauces are also legendary. However, their original branding did not accurately reflect the dynamic and contemporary experience customers could expect, so our team assisted them in revamping their brand image. By tapping into their mid-mod vibe, we developed a more authentic and compelling brand language.
Duran's exudes a vintage/mid-century modern/artisanal vibe throughout its entire establishment. This can be observed in the eclectic gifts they offer, the personalized counter service provided by waitresses who remember customers' names, and the attentive care provided by the neighborhood pharmacy. Drawing inspiration from this unique ambiance, we devised a system of patterns, colors, and whimsical messaging that brings to life their distinctive character. An unforgettable experience.
From ponyboards to display banners, sandwich boards, signage, advertisements, and holiday store pop-up branding—we're fixin' to razz your berries!

Revamping the iconic chile sauce labels was a major undertaking. We aimed to strike a balance between the utilitarian design of the original labels and the vitality of the new branding, leading to a sleek and modern evolution. The private label herbal products followed suit, adopting a similar aesthetic.

“Maybe the most creative people I have ever met. They capture the heartbeat of your business and open paths to opportunities you had not thought of. It used to be location, location, location. Now it is branding, branding, branding. Ripe, Inc. The best.”